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Blood Sugar Management


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Alipure® is a premium quality alpha-lipoic acid manufactured in a solvent-free process by Alzchem….
Benfotiamine is an analogue of Vitamin B1 (also known as Thiamine) that is more readily bioavailable and significantly more active than traditional forms of Thiamine….
Pasuchaca (Geranium delsianum) is an indigenous Peruvian plant that grows high in the Andes mountains, at an altitude of 3500m….
Pep2Dia® is a unique, patented bioactive that regulates blood sugar levels after meals. It is a health ingredient with an active dipeptide AP (Alanine-Proline) which inhibits the alpha glucosidase’s activity….
Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius), also known as Peruvian Ground Apple Yacon, is an Andean root that grows at altitudes of 1000-3200 meters above sea level. Yacon yields starchy, fruit-like roots of…


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